Thursday, May 19, 2011

Au Naturel

So a few months back I decided to go natural which means I have stopped chemically straightening my hair. For those who know me this is probably impossible to believe since I was the kind of girl that never had a kink in my hair, talk less a full blown curl! Nevertheless going natural I am and I wanted to recommend some items that I found to be indispensable on my 'transitioning hair journey' (hair talk for 'chemically straight to natural journey). 

I'm not entirely sure why I decided to go natural, my hair wasn't breaking and I wasn't trying to make a statement (none of that afro centric stuff!), I guess I was just tired of depending on my perm. Over the years I've done everything from growing it long to shaving the back of my head (BEFORE the Rihanna craze!), sported a weave (soon realized it was not for me!) had a bob (again pre-Rihanna) and tried Ghana braids, ponytails and single plaits. Through all this my perm never wavered so I guess I'm giving my hair a well deserved break (I've been perming my hair for well over a decade!). I'm not saying I will never perm again but if this works for me I will just opt for an occasional hot comb instead of a permanently straight look.

First of all I need to state that I did not do the big chop (hair talk for cut off my chemically straightened hair) for various reasons so I probably made the whole process harder on myself. What I chose to do instead is cut off an inch of straight hair for every inch of new growth. I also need to state that my natural hair is of a kinky nature and quite dry so if you have wavier or oily hair you may not want to use these products.

My hair naturally grows very fast so my point of focus was keeping it moisturised and preventing tangling. The items I could not do this without are:

  • Wide tooth comb - no way would my hair comb without this! 
  • 100% Shea butter - I find it's the only thing that keeps my hair moisturised and helps make the combing process easier so I apply it to my roots.

  • Castor oil - I apply this to my ends because those are the driest and it prevents split ends. The problem with not doing the big chop is that my hair now has two textures and what works for one will not work for the other. If I apply shea butter to my permed ends my hair becomes gunky. 

  • Coconut oil - I heat it up and apply it liberally to my hair before I wash it. I leave it in for about an hour. It's supposed to work as a deep moisturiser and I guess it does do that but I just use it because I find my hair is easier to comb and it helps prevent tangling.

  • Creme of Nature Sunflower and Coconut Detangling and Conditioning Shampoo - I've always used this brand because it doesn't give me that dry feeling after I shampoo. I started using this type just because it has coconut in it! Lol! People say you shouldn't use sulphate shampoos but to be honest I just don't care that much!

  • Garnier Fructis Conditioner - I discovered this conditioner by accident and became a huge fan. Once again I only use it because it helps with combing my hair.
  • SoftSheen Carson Optimum Care Anti-breakage therapy leave-in conditioner - Another accidental discovery but an amazing one. I feel this product coats individual strands with oil making tangling impossible and combing easy. Absolutely love it!
  • Kera Care Essential Oils - I use this to blow dry my hair (natural dry makes my hair feel soft but allows it to tangle) because it gives it a nice sheen, has all the recommended essential oils and it smells great!

I put the images of the exact brands of the products I use but I'm sure any brand of coconut oil, castor oil and shea butter would work.

I am very lazy when it comes to hair and I'm used to just going to my hairdresser every 3 weeks to have him sort it out so this whole taking care of my hair myself is just tedious. As a result I'm not into any specific routine and I just use products that make managing my hair easier as opposed to worshipping it (some people are SERIOUS!). I wash it when I feel it's dirty and I moisturise it when I feel it's dry - that's it!

I found that the net doesn't provide advise for people with hair of a kinkier nature (type 'natural hair' into Google images and see what I mean) which is why I thought I'd add my two cents to the world of natural/transitioning hair. 

Hope it helps!

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