Saturday, April 23, 2011

Confessions of a Shopaholic

So I finally watched this movie and it hit so close to home I felt ashamed! Minus the debt collector and the excessive credit card spending, Rebecca's love for shopping is like a self portrait! I wouldn't call myself materialistic since I value so much over material things but I cannot deny that shopping makes me soooo HAPPY!!! *sigh*

I could really relate to the way in which she felt the NEED to shop and the way in which the mannequins were CALLING to her. Using a month's pay cheque on a dress? Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt but didn't have the heart to return it *covers face*

So these are my confessions (pulled an Usher there lol) - hello, my name is NRH and I'm a shopaholic...


  1. i STILL haven't seen this movie lol..but i'm sure i can relate. i do exhibit some shopaholic tendencies.....smh

    That GOOD GOOD Blog

  2. I love this movie so much. It is hilarious nd the shopping obsession really relates to a lot of people out there. (including me :))

  3. It's good to know I am not alone ^_^


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