Monday, July 18, 2011


It actually pisses me off that I even need to be writing this but whatever.

Some heeediat fool with too much time on their hands decided that they were gonna post anonymous hate mail on my blog. First of all I just need to state that this is MY blog so if you don't like what you read then as the disclaimer says, click the red 'X' at the top right hand corner of your screen.

Secondly, I was basically accused of not sticking with my black people. You clearly don't know me otherwise you would know that the majority of my friends are black. I for one do not see race as a reason to be friends with a person and will therefore not engage in any meaningless friendships with IGNORANT people regardless of their race! 

On me being stuck up.You're entitled to your opinion so you can have it, you're obviously bitter that I didn't pay you much attention. If I choose to wear expensive clothes that's my prerogative and nothing to do with you. You clearly don't know anything about me to be passing judgements on my character, otherwise you would know I do not think I am better that everyone else and that I am a very humble person.

On me being bitter, I thank God I've had a great life and have nothing to be bitter about. My blog posts are portrayals of the things I see around me and my opinion on them. I don't know exactly why that blog post got you riled up but if you read it carefully you will realize it is not an attack on black or ghetto people but on children who make money and leave their parents behind.

As for my life, I don't know what you heard that makes you think 'it serves me right' but it really isn't any of your business however I choose to live it.  If you have anything you really want to say to me feel free to email me with your name this time so we can have a real heart to heart, you never know, I might have a lot of opinions on you too!

Now to anyone else thinking of becoming the next Incredible Hulk via my blog, please don't! I don't have time for electronic gangsters.

Thank you
Not Rude, Honest.

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