Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Why are people so scared of being alone? I don't mean alone as in never find a life partner, I mean alone as in by yourself for a given amount of time.

I recently spent nearly a month completely alone in my house. Now don't get me wrong, I could have gone out if I wanted to and there were people I could have spent time with but I just chose not to. It was the end of a very difficult four months for various reasons and I was just glad to literally have nothing I HAD to do. I was totally exhausted anyway so I spent the first week or so sleeping! I'm talking 16 hours straight zzzz's, woke up to eat and shower and back to bed! I loved it! Then my body started to protest about the overload of shut eye I was getting so it refused to lay dormant for more than 10 hours. Considering I hadn't slept for more than 4 hours every night for the four months I was happy to compromise. I spent the rest of the time watching 'Girlfirends' (I loved that show) online, movies (caught up on every movie I'd ever missed!), eating to my heart's content and generally lounging. I was invited out quite a bit but even when I did agree to go, I'd cancel because I just didn't feel like leaving the comfort of my bed.

The thing that I found really interesting is that every time someone heard what I did they would look at me like I has suddenly turned into Medusa! They would ask how I 'coped' and was I depressed! Am I the only one that was born alone? I mean, even twins don't come out at the same time! Why was it so hard for people to believe that I was actually HAPPY to have time to myself in the most literal sense? 

I don't know about everyone else, and maybe I am weird, but I love my own company. I enjoy being in a place where I can hear my own thoughts, watch a movie without interruptions, choose whether or not I speak to someone and not have to share the cake I baked! Maybe it's because I came from a family full of people where such times are luxuries or maybe I'm just confident and comfortable in my own body that I don't need another body next to me to make me feel alive. I like to think it's the latter.

I think people need to start seeing solitude as a blessing and not a curse, there's a huge difference between being alone and being lonely and they don't always come together. I personally would rather be alone with a good book than to be in a room full of people and feel lonely.

Alone, not lonely...

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